Men In Black 3 and GI Joe 2:Retaliation Trailer Is Officially Here.

Dec 12, 2011

As if by magic, Sony Pictures just released the first, official trailer for the third installment of Men In Black and I have to admit, just like the previous films, it is very funny, and i'm very looking forward to see it next year. Also, a surprise trailer just comes out this day and guess what, it's the trailer for the anticipated GI Joe sequel.

The trailer (found below) is very much promising as the two previous films. It is very funny and I might enjoy watching it in 3D as well. If you don't have any idea what this film is all about, basically, Agent J (Will Smith) finds Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) using a time-travel gadget in the 60s or something. So, yeah, check it out, it looks funny and witty.
Next trailer, which comes out today, was the trailer for GI Joe 2: Retaliation. It looks action-packed and I guess, it was even worse than the first one. New characters are seen here, like Joe Colton (Bruce Willis) and Roadblock (Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson). Check the trailer below:
Woah, 2 trailers just comes out this week and both looks awesome. This two trailers just sums up my anticipation for the upcoming 2012. I guess, hopefully, a new The Dark Knight Rises trailer this Friday.


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