Disney Buys Lucasfilm, Episode VII Coming 2015!

Nov 2, 2012
So the biggest surprise this week was that Disney buys Lucasfilm for $4.5 Billion and now has the rights for the most beloved franchises including Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Also reported was that there will be an Episode VII on the franchise.

The original trilogy of Star Wars is one of the best sagas I have seen. The three films especially Empire Strikes Back changed the way I view films as of now. Star Wars revolutionize the experience of moviegoers and geek alike. I'm a big fan and I felt neither good or bad about the news just released yesterday.

I have a big trust for Disney. They did a really great job for Pixar and Marvel for distributing and giving the fans what they want. I hope that they will not ruin the films and leave it as it is. Star Wars has died. It died 10 years ago when Lucas decided to make the prequels which doesn't make any sense. Episode VII looks to bring back the Star Wars we loved. And my bets on who's taking the helm would be JJ Abrams and Chris Nolan.

JJ Abrams is a wonderful director and a sci-fi fan. I love his works and he have a lot of faith on his movies. But hey, what's more awesome than seeing a lightsaber fight with lens flares. Next up is Nolan. Nolan is notably known to thriller/ action/ suspense films. After The Dark Knight trilogy, Nolan should try something totally different. It is potentially that Episode VII will not come on 2015 but if it might release on 2015, it will compete with The Avengers 2 and Justice League and would be the best year moviegoers and fans have.

So, what do you think of the announcement? Do you want to see a 40 year old Luke Skywalker coming back or an Knights of the Old Republic movie?


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