What made it so, so good is the fact that it stays with you, you felt some sort of connections with every characters, even the supporting ones. Aside from it's brilliant writing, part of what made these characters so relatable was the terrific performance by, well about everyone.
I could've say more to this, but I'll have to leave the rest up to you. This is one of those shows that are best unspoiled. 'Breaking Bad' is one of my all-time favorite series, and is television at it's master-class. To that I gave it a 10/10.
I really enjoyed reviewing something different that isn't far away from film. I'm stucked with TV shows by the time i'm writing this, so expect me to discuss something like "Game of Thrones," "House of Cards," "The Newsroom," "The Walking Dead," and "Sherlock" in a couple of months.
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