The first wave of reactions for the latest Marvel film, 'Ant-man' after the studio held its first press screening to the critics yesterday. The crowd was ecstatic and surprised to see how the film holds upqtightly even after a rough production that started with original director Edgar Wright departing the movie after "creative differences" with the studio.
One critic even described the film even "weirder than last year's 'Guardians of the Galaxy'" and a lot refer to it as the "Ocean's Eleven' of the Marvel cinematic universe". But the most reactions toward the movie are impressed with the end credits sequences. Yes, there's not only one but two credits scene with one being better than the last.
One critic even described the film even "weirder than last year's 'Guardians of the Galaxy'" and a lot refer to it as the "Ocean's Eleven' of the Marvel cinematic universe". But the most reactions toward the movie are impressed with the end credits sequences. Yes, there's not only one but two credits scene with one being better than the last. This is good news since the previous Marvel film 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' ended up with a hanging and disappointing end credit scene earlier this Summer.
Details as to what these two scenes has been secretly in wraps, but one has surely something to do with next year's 'Captain America: Civil War' since actor Paul Rudd was confirmed to star in the 2016 epic.
'Ant-Man' opens July 15. Also available in 3D and IMAX 3D.
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